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Welcome to Amber Halsall's Workshop page, where you can engage in the art of botanical illustration through private classes and short courses. These immersive sessions are designed for both beginners and those looking to enhance their skills. Join Amber to explore the techniques and beauty of colour pencil rendering, as you capture the essence of nature in your artwork. Embrace the joy of botanical artistry and reserve your spot in these enriching workshops today.

Old Bank Studios


Join my one-day coloured pencil course at Old Bank Studios this October, perfect for both beginners and experienced artists. Now only one spot left!!!

Knole Park


Experience a one-day colored pencil course led by artist Amber Halsall amidst Knole's autumn parkland. Learn techniques such as layering, blending, and embossing to depict seasonal colors and textures. Materials provided, along with demonstrations and refreshments.

Private Classes


Gather your friends for a group session, or opt for a personalized one-to-one class. Amber is a patient and encouraging teacher, ready to tailor the workshop to your interests and skill level. Make an enquiry on the Enquiries page.

West Dean


I have two short courses running at West Dean on Watercolour painting. The Summer School weeks are an immersive learning experience with time to develop your creativity and embrace opportunities for creative development. The courses typically run during the months of January and August. See below for more details.

Watts Gallery Course


This course has been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic but is set to return in the future, subscribe to the Newsletter to get the latest information.

Old Bank Studios


Join my one-day coloured pencil course at Old Bank Studios this October, perfect for both beginners and experienced artists. Learn techniques to portray autumn subjects with regular demonstrations and personalized guidance, you can work at your own pace and bring your artistic vision to life.

Kettles Yard


In this workshop we look closely to accurately recreate the depth, detail and texture of the subject using Graphite pencil. We explore how to portray subjects using a variety of techniques with regular demonstrations to guide you through every stage of the process.

KCC - Adult Education


I bid farewell to the wonderful adult education classes after 7 years, to pursue new adventures in traveling, painting, and running workshops beyond Kent. Thank you KCC and my cherished students for all your support and enthusiasm.

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